How Much Protein You Need and

Pro Bodybuilders eat about one gram (sometimes even 1.5 grams) of protein per pound of body weight or per pound of non-fat tissue. I'm sure you've seen that the recommended dail


Monday, November 30, 2015

Everything You Need to Know About Bower, Part 1

Here at, we decided to migrate to a private Bower registry to use as our artifact repository.  There were numerous growing pains, and we’re hopeful that if we share them with others, maybe they can be spared some groans.Semantic Versioning (SemVer)Before we can dive in, first we need to visit the idea of semantic versioning.  The gist of SemVer is this: a version number consists of a triad of numbers, for...

Video of the Week: Turkey in the Oven

Yes, you can do a balance pose in the kitchen, though maybe not with a real turkey. Subscribe to Yoga for Healthy Aging by Email ° Follow Yoga for Healthy Aging on Facebook ° Join this site with Google Friend Conn...

Friday, November 27, 2015

Yoga for Healthy Eating (Rerun)

by NinaSeeing that it’s the holiday season—when people often make resolutions regarding healthy eating—I thought now would be a good time to rerun our overview of yoga for healthy eating. Basically, between the two of us, we’ve come up with a four-pronged approach to support healthy eating:Understand your digestive system
Practice stress managementCultivate mindfulnessStrengthen Will Power1. Understanding Your Digestive SystemBaxter has recorded...

Thursday, November 26, 2015

It is not finding gratitude that matters; it is remembering to look in the first place.

by NinaIn a Meadow by Melina MezaII.33 Upon being harassed by negative thoughts, one should cultivate counteracting thoughts. —translated by Edwin BryantFor some time now, I’ve been intrigued by Facebook posts from certain friends that simply list things the person is grateful for. I particularly like the ones by my friend Liz because her lists include very simple things, mostly free and available to almost everyone.Today's good things:Walked six...

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Mini Digestion Practice

by Baxter and NinaEven though we posted this sequence a few years back, the day before American Thanksgiving seems like a good time to revisit Baxter's Mini Digestion Practice. Even if you don't celebrate American Thanksgiving—or if you don't overeat on that day—sooner or later we all need to pamper our digestive systems a bit.A simple underlying principle for working with digestive issues is that no matter what’s going on, all digestive issues respond...

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Featured Pose: Marichi's Pose 3 (Marichyasana 3)

by BaxterLike Easy Sitting Twist, Marichi’s pose 3 (Marichyasana 3, named after the sage Marichi) is a basic seated twist that is generally accessible, though some will be a bit more challenging due to the leg and arm positions.Also, like Easy Sitting Twist, Marichi’s pose 3 helps to maintain and improve your twisting flexibility, which you need for everyday actions such as grabbing something off to your side or turning to look behind you as you...

Monday, November 23, 2015

Video of the Week: The Marionette 2.0

With this new version of The Marionette, a one-legged balancing pose, you may actually feel more like a marionette! Try to keep your torso and hips steady as you puppeteer your lifted leg around in space. Special thanks go out to Tress Fontaine for the idea.Subscribe to Yoga for Healthy Aging by Email ° Follow Yoga for Healthy Aging on Facebook ° Join this site with Google Friend Conn...

Friday, November 20, 2015

Friday Practical Pointers: Forward Bending of the Spine

by BaxterWe are often asked by someone if they should avoid certain movements in the joints when doing yoga poses, especially if that person has something going on a particular area. Perhaps the most common area that I get asked about is the movements of the spine (see All About the Spine: Anatomy and Movements for info on spinal movements) These include forward bending (known technically as flexion of the spine), back bending, (known technically...

4 Tips For Serious Muscle Gain

Believe it or not, if you want serious muscle gain then you must do more than just go to the gym and pump iron. If you aren’t eating and drinking correctly then you may simply be wasting all your effort.Here are 4 tips to making sure you can gain a substantial amount of muscle in the next few months:1. Eat the right amount of caloriesThis is crucial to building muscle. You’ll not be able to increase your weight and muscle if you aren’t eating enough...

Thursday, November 19, 2015

The Importance of Yoga for Strength

by NinaLately as I’ve been teaching yoga for healthy aging to several older people, I’ve couldn’t help but notice how weak some of them are. For example, one woman has trouble balancing because knee problems led her to stop walking and her legs became very weak. (Even though balance requires much more than just brute strength—see Yoga and Balance: An Overview—if you don’t have the muscle tone to keep yourself upright, you’re going to be all wobbly.)...