
Thursday, January 29, 2015

Creatine Supplements: Good or Bad?

Creatine is one of the most widely used sports supplements, right behind whey protein powder. Layman people and athletes both have experienced an improvement in their body composition and exercise performance from taking creatine supplements. It is considered an alternative to eating meat for getting creatine, since meats like beef and herring contain high amounts of it. You might think that bodybuilders could just eat beef to get their creatine and protein in one shot without needing supplements. The problem with that comes with the high amounts of calories and fats they would have to endure to get those extra amounts of creatine. By taking it in supplement form, they won't pack on any calories or fat from it. In fact, if you get the powdered supplement then it will be odorless and tasteless, which is great for mixing with just about any drink.

Creatine supplements come in powder, liquid and capsule form. It is not recommended that you take the liquid or capsule forms because they can be unstable in your system and tougher for your body to break down into the bloodstream. Therefore, always go with the 100% pure creatine powder with no fillers or additives. You will find that pure powder is actually a lot cheaper than other supplements with additional ingredients added into the mix. All you have to do is mix a small amount in with a drink and you are good to go. Some nutritionists will recommend that you mix it with fruit juice because the sugars and carbohydrates in the juice will help you absorb it better in your system. It all depends on your diet.
During your first week of taking your powdered creatine supplement, you should have about 15-25 grams of it each day. This is what is known as the loading phase. During this phase, you want to get your muscles saturated with creatine. This will help your body absorb it better in your system as time goes on. Then for each following week, you will only need to take around 5 grams per day to keep your muscles saturated with it. Also, you need to have at least 70 grams of carbohydrates for every 5 grams of creatine that you take each day. So during the loading phase of the first week you will really need to load up on your carbohydrates. But make sure you don't overdo it on the carbs. If you are taking the creatine with juice then try to watch how many carbs you are getting in your meals. If you eat a lot of carb filled foods then just use water with the supplement.
Creatine is best known for giving people more strength. Bodybuilders care about two things; burning fat and gaining muscle. If the supplement is taken at the right dosages, then you will start to have more energy in the gym and bigger gains in your muscle mass. Then you will be able to lift heavier weight and help grow your muscles at the same time. Scientific studies have proven this to be true in people who have been tested. The creatine enhances protein synthesis in the muscles, which allow them to rebuild faster and get bigger. Critics of creatine supplementation often say it is unhealthy because it increases the risk of kidney disease and liver damage. These outcomes were only found in scientific cases where rats were tested with it. There is no scientific evidence to suggest that it happens in humans. However, it is recommended that humans with existing kidney and liver problems avoid taking creatine.
Creatine is not a miracle supplement. It isn't like taking steroids where you would see results after a few days. Creatine takes time to work into the cells and muscles of your body, so you won't see muscle gains within the first few weeks. But eventually, the gains will show up but you have to consistently exercise while regularly taking the supplement. If you just drink creatine and avoid going to the gym then it will never make you more muscular. You have to do the work too.Article                                                          Source:


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