Conversations with Frank Zane:
Some of his ideas I gathered.
By Dr. Michael Dusa
1. You have a finite capacity for certain foods in your lifetime. When he was younger, he, like many bb's, drank lots of milk. In time, he lost this capacity in that he became lactose intolerant. Now, aside from some yogurt, he consumed little to no dairy.
2. He is not a proponent of taking sets to failure, as he feels it's not healthy to do so and injury will ensue.
3. Intermittent fasting can be useful to give one a jump on fat loss.

4. To maintain, restore, or develop the lower and outer pec line, decline dumbbell flyes and dumbbell pec work in general will do this. He mentioned his old training partner, Arnold S, would let the Dumbells nearly touch the floor whilst performing dumbbell flyes, and he can be seen doing this in Pumping Iron. Early on Arnold had over pronounced outer pec development because of this. Frank feels such a range is too extreme, proof of which is the fact that Arnold's shoulders are " a mess" today.
It's helpful to " Hang with Hunger".Frank feels one should eat for fuel, and not stuff themselves. Staying hungry a bit longer helps to develop leanness.
He gets his fats from healthy oils, CLA, olive oil, nuts and seeds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds and the like.
To aid in sleep he has found taking 2g of tryptophan with some fresh pineapple helpful.
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Great site...tons of salient information, a veritable treasure trove of bb lore!
I'll post more once I get my notes from our conversation together.
Carb cycling: I asked about nutrient ratios. Of course, there is a world of confusion regarding this. So, for me he suggested 180 grams of quality protein intake per day, and carbohydrate consumption be limited to half that, or 90 grams of carbs per day. This should be done three days in a row, and, on the fourth day, perhaps double the carbs, or at least increase them to about 120 grams.
Frank strongly recommends taking photographs to mark and meter your progress. People look at you differently than how you see yourself, and I know this is true. How many here have ever seen themselves in a photo or video and were shocked at how they looked? I have! Its important to be objective and see things clearly. Take photos monthly in all four quarter standing positions. It'll help you work on weak points.
Thank you Dr. Michael Dusa
(1995 NPC Mr. Connecticut, USA)
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