The biceps are arguably the most widely trained muscle because of they ‘show off’ appeal to many bodybuilders. To ensure that your biceps are well trained and developed, you will need to understand the biceps a bit more. With this understanding, you can than choose your exercises to create your best biceps workout for maximal effect. There are many bicep exercises that you can include in your best biceps workout. In this article, we will look at three biceps exercises that you must include in your workout, and the reason behind why they can be so effective to develop your biceps.
1. Barbell Curls

2. Hammer Curls

3. Triple Threat
This is an exercise that makes use of the fact that all muscle fiber do not fatigue at the same time. You must include the Triple Threat in your best bicep workout. You can do this exercise using barbells or dumbbells. Choose three sets of equipment of varying weight. The heaviest set should be a weight whereby you will fail at 8 repetitions only. Start your curls for both arms with the heaviest set, performing your 8 repetitions. As soon as you finish this, quickly drop this set, and pick up the next heaviest set and repeat for another 8 repetitions without resting. Once that is done, complete the last 8 repetitions using the lightest set. Allow no rest again. By the time you complete these 24 repetitions, your biceps will feel as if they will explore anytime. Perform 3-5 sets of the Triple Threat. It is wonderful exercise that can fully stimulate the biceps. When lifting the heaviest set, all the most power fibers will be activated. When these are fatigued, the second heaviest weights will recruit those fibers that are still active. The process continues until all the fibers are activated.
Your best biceps workouts can include any exercise that you would like. The three exercises recommended here will target your biceps from different angles. The barbell curls are good for general mass building. The rotations done in Hammer Curls, recruit seldom use fibers of the biceps. The Triple Threat works all fibers till exhaustion. With these three exercises, you can be sure that your best bicep workout will be successful.
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