Mindfulness teacher Jill Satterfield has been a frequent guest writer on our blog, writing honestly and movingly about how mindfulness practices can help us with real life (see Spiritual Sanity and When Red Flags Should Be Raised: Yoga Snake Oil, among others). Now Jill needs our help. She has been having serious heart problems recently that impacted her ability to travel and teach, which is how she earns her living. Now she is scheduled to have heart surgery to repair her mitral valve. And although Jill has health insurance, she now finds herself in need of financial help for expenses related to the surgery and recovery time. So I have put together a fundraising effort to support her at the GiveForward site. If you feel like contributing, go to giveforward.com. And please help spread the word, if you can. Many thanks! Subscribe to Yoga for Healthy Aging by Email ° Follow Yoga for Healthy Aging on Facebook ° Join this site with Google Friend Connect
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