How Much Protein You Need and

Pro Bodybuilders eat about one gram (sometimes even 1.5 grams) of protein per pound of body weight or per pound of non-fat tissue. I'm sure you've seen that the recommended dail


Friday, September 30, 2016

6 Workout Mistakes To Avoid For Your Ideal Body

There are many "mistakes" one can make that will slow or even halt their progress towards having a fit and ideal body. I am listing, what I feel are the top 6 to avoid.. Now, I don't mean to say that if you make any of these mistakes that you should get all depressed and quit, just correct them as best you can and keep moving forward. It is important to understand that you need to keep moving forward. Nothing is ever achieved overnight and without...

A Beautiful Inner Support System

by NinaLadder by Marie Lossky (@Marie.Lossky on Instagram)“Sometimes we don’t fully appreciate the progress or importance of our practices, but there will be a time when our practices show up and show their strength and depth. So practicing both in the times that are easeful and in the times that are not creates this beautiful inner support system that is there for us when things get really rough.” —Jill Satterfield  The interview Recovering...

Form vs Heavy Weights - Natural Bodybuilding PRO TIP 1

There is a big misconception now a days, people think that actually lifting heavy is what builds the muscle. Some people forget that your form is also an important factor that helps people put on muscle. The other importance of form is that, if your form is correct then it will most likely pump your muscles correctly.  Everyone basically start from the bottom and from there they build their way up, so many beginners forget that. The...

Full Body Workout Routine - Using Bodyweight Exercises to Get Great Results

When it comes to working out you always have options. Doing bodyweight exercises gives you options even when you don't have weights to use. That makes working out at home easier even with little space to work with. So what are some bodyweight exercises you can do to get a stunning body with your new full body workout routine? (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); 1) Push Up - The most well know and most used bodyweight...

Thursday, September 29, 2016

5 Top Reasons Why Your Muscles Are Not Growing

Many guys when they first start working out tend to overtrain. After a month or two this question always comes up... "Why Are My Muscles Not Growing ?"It's Monday morning and you just walked into the gym. Up first is chest. You load up the barbell and you lay down on the bench. You begin performing repetition after repetition of chest presses until you cannot do anymore.You look at yourself in the mirror and realize that your chest is not growing...

What is in a Gesture? Nearly a Year with Mudra

by BaxterBhramara Mudra by Melina MezaLate last year, my colleague Mary Northey gave me wonderful book on yogic hand gestures (hasta mudras) written by Joseph and Lilian LePage. As I first flipped through the pages, my curiosity was piqued. This book alone describes 108 hand mudras (there are other categories of mudra we won’t get into here, such as facial gestures, whole body gestures and others), and there are likely many more hand mudras out there....

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Best Leg Exercises That Will Give You Awesome Looking Quads and Calves

You have the glamour muscles looking nice (biceps and triceps), you have a great looking six pack, now it is time to get those legs looking good to go with the rest of your rock solid bod. You can have great looking quads and calves with the right leg exercises. So what are some of the best leg exercises? (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); 1) Squat - One of the most effective exercises to build strong quads. Stand...

Tricep Exercises for Mass: The Beginner's Guide to Building Ripped Arms

Are you looking to improve the strength and size of your arms? Doing a number of tricep exercises for mass can help you to get those sought after ripped arms. When everyone thinks of the glamour muscles they first think of biceps, but you can't forget about your triceps. They are as much a part of the glamour muscles as the biceps. You should train your triceps as much as you as you train your biceps, shoulders, and back. So what are some good...

How Exercise Fosters Brain Health

by RamFostering Brain Health & Balance by Melina MezaThe concept “use it or lose it” for physical abilities applies to the brain as well. As long as we engage our brain in stimulatory activities, the brain actively grows and rewires itself in response to the stimulation and new learning. Brain fitness, mental fitness, and mental exercise all mean the same thing: it is the act of performing a mentally stimulating task that keeps the brain resilient....

Trapezius Exercises To Help You Build Stunning Back Muscles

You have nice looking arms, chest, and abs but you want to build up your back muscles. You have come to the right place. If you are looking for some quality trapezius exercises, you have come to the right place. Having a nice set of guns is great but you should have a strong back as well. The trapezius muscles are a muscle group on your back that make up a good portion of your back muscles. They also extend up to your neck. They are commonly referred...

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

How to Stay Motivated at the Gym

Hey, sometimes it's hard to stay motivated at the gym. Even when we're at our peak, or need to hit a few workout goals, many of us are faced with both long hours at work and demands from the family. CrossFit exercises present us with a way to stay in shape over the long haul. Lunges, box jumps, and air squats give us the best opportunity to keep our bodies-and our minds-up to speed. Still, it can be difficult to stay on par with these exercises....

What We Mean By Healthy Aging

by NinaMelitta teaches "Granny Yoga" to her mother,  aunt, and aunt's friendFor us, the life story of our friend Melitta’s mother Nancy is a perfect example of “healthy aging.” Born in San Francisco on December 12, 1921, Nancy died on August 27, 2015, age 93 (or 93 and a half as she liked to say). She was very active all her life. She played sports in school, and was her high school and college track and field champion in shot put and discus....

Top 5 Shoulder Workouts For Mass

Broad, muscled shoulders are any man’s dream to achieve. Many go to the gym to get that V-tapered upper bod seen in magazines and on websites. The good news is that it isn’t just a dream. Men can get broad shoulders with the right combination of shoulder workouts.A good note to remember before starting out shoulder exercises is to keep the right form as instructed. The shoulder is composed of very small muscles and held by a joint that is easily...