How Much Protein You Need and

Pro Bodybuilders eat about one gram (sometimes even 1.5 grams) of protein per pound of body weight or per pound of non-fat tissue. I'm sure you've seen that the recommended dail


Monday, December 22, 2014

A Vacation for the Blog

Monarchs by Melina MezaDear Readers, The Yoga for Healthy Aging staff has decided to take a two-week break during this holiday season. We’re going to spend time with our families and let our brains rest a bit. This means that instead of having reruns, we won’t be having any posts at all. So if you’re an email subscriber, you will stop getting emails from us. Please don’t worry. Nothing is wrong with your subscription—or with us.We will...

Why Bodybuilders Need Probiotic Supplements

Being a bodybuilder isn't easy - not only do you have to work hard and have the utmost patience and dedication you also have to adhere to a strict healthy diet and exercise routine if you are to achieve that lean, mean ripped physique that's such a hit with the ladies. Nothing worth having after all, is easy to get nor easy to have without some sacrifices and a lot of hard work.Nor is it any easier to put together the perfect bodybuilding supplement...

Best Workout Programs For Men Method

Workout Programs For MenCut the bullshit and follow carefully perfected steps to reach a new, ripped you! Everything you need to know from nutrition to the best supplements is included. You have to be mindful of 4 things when building muscle: Your calorie intake (how much food your consuming), the exercises you are doing (are you targeting every area of the muscle?), your workout routine (when to work each muscle group), and the mentality you have...

The Best Bodybuilding Supplement

You don't have to be a body builder to take supplements. Plenty of average joes who work out casually (or maybe a bit harder than most) supplement with supplements  every day.                                                                              ...

How to Build Chest Muscle Lightning Fast in 3 Easy Steps

If you've been trying to build chest muscle but aren't seeing the gains you were looking for then there are a few key steps you can take to build chest muscle in lightning speed.How to Build Chest Muscle Step I - Dissect your chest work outIf you want to build chest muscle you have to dissect your chest workout. Your chest which consists of your pectorals "pecs" are pretty big muscles, which means you're going to have work out different parts of...

How sports nutrition supplements can prove beneficial

As a sportsperson, the only thing that stays in your mind is to boost your performance levels in order to perform better in your respective sport/game. There is nothing wrong in this as every sportsperson wants to be the best and wish to stay the same for a longer duration. If you have a careless attitude towards your diet then it is surely going to affect your sporting career. Including sports nutrition supplements is one of the effective ways of...

The Best Times to Use Protein Shakes for Maximum Results

The Best Times to Use Protein Shakes for Maximum ResultsMost people who start bodybuilding don't realize that it's more of a set process. If you don't stick to it, you aren't going to be able to see the best results. A lot of newcomers also don't realize that there are different types of supplements that will affect differently on your workout regime, and thus they should be taken at certain times. Protein shakes are just one of the few examples...

Top 10 Vegetarian Sources Of Protein

Whether you're a vegetarian , or not there are lots of tasty meat-free sources of protein that also pack additional health benefits. Read through the list of the top 10 vegetarian sources of protein below and tell us your favorite in the commen...

Sunday, December 21, 2014

How to Get the Best Physique

How to Get the Best Physique1) Working out too much:Everyone trying to get the best physique or dream body that they want think that the best way to get it is simply just by exercising as much as possible. Let's face it, if it was that easy, any male or female could be in the best shape of their life in a week. The correct overlooked way is to let your muscles rest after a workout. For example, if you work out a certain muscle group two days in a...

Great 7Day Workout Program for bodybuilding

Everyone knows that in order to build a muscular body you need to go to the gym and workout. However, this is just a fraction of the story. There is a lot more to it than you thought. Muscle building is a slow process which requires a strict disciplinary schedule in terms of work out, diet and sleep. Furthermore, it needs a lot of patience, strong will and determination to go all the way till the end to accomplish what you started. So if you though...

Gaining Muscle Fast!

Lots of people spend years gaining their muscles but don't get the results they want. Others want to get bigger, but they just don't know where to start. Whether you want to bulk up, get a bigger chest, or want to achieve any other muscle gaining goal, here's some great tips and tricks that will help you immediately get better results:- Don't do cardio and weights at the same time. You have to concentrate on the weights to maximize your results....

Gain Muscle and Increase Your Chest by One Inch in a Week

Gain Muscle and Increase Your Chest by One Inch in a WeekToday I am going to explain to you how to quickly and easily add an inch of muscle to your chest and increase your bench press.                                                                            ...

Chest Workouts, What Are the Best Ones to Do?

There are a few particular chest workouts that are really going to be great for you but you just don't yet know which ones they are. There are also some terrific chest workouts which you can try and that you can do if you are a female, however, most women don't tend to want an overly muscular and worked out chest. It is generally more for the men, who want to work out their pectoral muscles and who want to benefit from really good chest workout ideas.IdeasOne...

4 Best Bodybuilding Supplements To Support Your Nutrition

Starting on weight training, but don't know how to? Note these 2 "hard and fast" rules for muscle building to begin with:Don't weight train more than 4 times a week, and not more than 75 minutes per session. Otherwise, you're categorically "overtraining" and overexerting your muscles. Thus, your packs of flesh wear and tear more rapidly and cannot recover between your workouts.Eat sufficient proteins- ideally 20 gms per meal or at least 1gm of protein...

Best Foods for Bodybuilding

There are two major reasons why obesity is on the rise. People are not moving their bodies (exercising) and the consumption of processed, high fat foods is skyrocketing. Bad food choices are a key factor that seriously increases your weight and creates a multitude of health problems. Beer and chips do not create muscle!You need not to go Mars however to find something special to bulk up and build your muscles. You can find the most powerful muscle...

Friday, December 19, 2014

Friday Q&A: Psoriasis and Yoga

Q: I'm personally concerned by psoriasis if you can write something about this it would be really great.A: Psoriasis, probably due to so many TV ads about over-the-counter treatments over the years, is a word most of us have heard before. “The heartbreak of psoriasis” still rings in my ears when I think about those ads! But what is psoriasis, really, and how could yoga practices influence its course?Psoriasis is primarily a skin condition that...

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Yoga Nidra, Satyananda Saraswati, and Sexual Abuse

by Nina The Blow to the Heart by Rene Magritte*“The notion of leading people into a vulnerable, trance-like state by using a technique that was invented by an alleged rapist who then validated it by correlation with obscure medieval sources is intolerable to me. The power and utility of the methods emerging from Satyananda’s legacy rest on an implicit appreciation of the man’s integrity, which is now under serious attack.” —Matthew Remski If...

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

News on Balance, Falling, and Yoga

by BaxterIn preparation for my Yoga U Online webinar Yoga for Core Integrity and Balance that started last Tuesday and finishes this Thursday, December 18, 2014, I was reading two papers that shed some interesting light on why we should to be concerned about balance and how to improve it. The first was a 2008 study Shifting the focus in fracture prevention from osteoporosis to falls that appeared in the British Medical Journal, and the second was...