How Much Protein You Need and

Pro Bodybuilders eat about one gram (sometimes even 1.5 grams) of protein per pound of body weight or per pound of non-fat tissue. I'm sure you've seen that the recommended dail


Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Changing Your Habits with Yoga

by BaxterFloating Leaf by Melina MezaNot a day seems to go by that I realize there is some habit I have that I’d love to change. I’m sure that happens to you, too. Fortunately, we have yoga as a great tool for when we want get serious about really changing old, dysfunctional habits. So, what kind of patterns or habits are we talking about? Some examples are:Physical Habits. Perhaps you discover that the way you hold your posture habitually is resulting...

Monday, June 29, 2015

Classic Hatha Yoga

by Nina Yogini by a Stream (1605-40) 12. The Yogi should practice Hatha Yoga in a small room, situated in a solitary place, being 4 cubits square, and free from stones, fire, water, disturbances of all kinds, and in a country where justice is properly administered, where good people live, and food can be obtained easily and plentifully. 13. The room should have a small door, be free from holes, hollows, neither too high nor too low, well plastered...

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Balance Pose of the Week: Warrior 4

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Friday, June 26, 2015

Friday Q&A: Research on Yoga for Children with Autism

Q: I was wondering if you have any research on yoga for children with special needs especially autism? This is my area of expertise and I teach yoga to children with special needs but also as an behavioural therapist would be great to support my work with research. Many thanks.A: Yes! There is a growing body of research in the field of yoga therapy in general. An estimated 500 peer-reviewed studies have been published to date. A fraction of them...

Thursday, June 25, 2015

The Benefits and Drawbacks of Yoga as a System: Georg Feuerstein Interviewed by Richard Rosen, Part 3

When Georg Feuerstein died in 2012, I wrote an appreciation of him, Georg Feuerstein, 1947-2012, saying how much his work meant to me and how, even though I’d never met him, I considered him one of my teachers. Now I have learned of the existence of a very long, unpublished interview with him that Richard Rosen did way back in 1996. Richard has now published the interview in full on his website, but he has give me permission...

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Vagal Tone and Yoga

by RamHave you ever noticed that a segment of our population consists of people whose body, brain, and mind are more stable and robust under all kinds of situations? These folks are not perturbed by opulence or adversity, and can maintain their equanimity during excitement, enthusiasm, and eagerness or dull, tragic, and dispassionate moments. These individuals tend to be healthier and more resilient, and are classified as people with “high vagal...

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

The Spiritual Intent of the Teachings: Georg Feuerstein Interviewed by Richard Rosen, Part 2

MatsyendranathWhen Georg Feuerstein died in 2012, I wrote an appreciation of him, Georg Feuerstein, 1947-2012, saying how much his work meant to me and how, even though I’d never met him, I considered him one of my teachers. Now I have learned of the existence of a very long, unpublished interview with him that Richard Rosen did way back in 1996. Richard has now published the interview in full on his website, but he has give...

Monday, June 22, 2015

Photo Contest: Open for All People Over 50!

by NinaBaxter Bell, Age 54, by Melina MezaThe YFHA photo contest (see Photo Contest!) is now open to men as well as women. To be eligible, your photo must meet the following specifications:Portray a woman, a man, or people over 50 doing a yoga pose (of any level of difficulty), meditating, or practicing a mudra. No restorative poses or chair yoga at this time. Any body type or race (diversity is encouraged!). Be a digital photograph...

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Balance Pose of the Week: 4 Corners

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Friday, June 19, 2015

Friday Q&A: Dynamic and Static Balancing Options

Joy Sassoon, Age 60Q: A number of us here in VA are curious about the specific rationale for the balance sequences Baxter shared with us and is sharing with the world on a weekly basis - being first static and then dynamic. I've read Baxter's articles from the dates below and understand that “the main goal of balance training is to continually increase your client’s awareness of his or her balance threshold or limits of stability by creating controlled...

Thursday, June 18, 2015

6 Ways to Foster Brain Health with Yoga

by Nina and RamMademoiselle Ferrand Meditating on Newton by de La TourIn his post Mental Exercise, Yoga, and the Perfect Brain, Ram mentioned six basic ways you can help prevent age-associated memory loss and foster brain health. Today I thought we'd look a bit closer at each of those ways, so if brain health is a concern of yours (and, really, who isn’t concerned about this?), you can target your yoga practice to help support your brain health as...