How Much Protein You Need and

Pro Bodybuilders eat about one gram (sometimes even 1.5 grams) of protein per pound of body weight or per pound of non-fat tissue. I'm sure you've seen that the recommended dail


Monday, August 31, 2015

Ankylosing Spondylitis and Yoga (Not Yoga for Ankylosing Spondylitis)

by Shelly Prosko, PT, PYT, CPISunflower in BouquetI recently had a physical therapist colleague ask me for some advice for some yoga poses that might help her client who has ankylosing spondylitis (AS). I explained that there are certainly some poses I would share with her that could potentially address some of the general commonalities of the symptoms of AS and how people with AS may present in similar ways, but I also explained I thought...

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Drawing Inside and Quieting: Roger Cole on Savasana, Part 2

Drawing Inside by Melina MezaHere is the second excerpt from the interview that Leslie Howard did in 2008 with yoga teacher Roger Cole. In this excerpt he talks about his own practice of Savasana, compares seated meditation with Savasana, and gives his recommendations for setting up and practicing the pose. And speaking of Savasana, this will be our only post this week, as we're  on vacation. Even bloggers need to take a rest. —Nina  Leslie:...

Monday, August 17, 2015

The Mind Coming Into Equilibrium: Roger Cole on Savasana

Circle of Light by Melina MezaThis week and next I'll be posting excerpts from yet another interview from the never-written book on Savasana that I was—at one time—working on with my friend yoga teacher Leslie Howard. Back in 2008, Leslie did a good long interview with one of my favorite teachers, Roger Cole,. Let’s start today with their conversation about the benefits and importance of Savasana.And speaking of Savasana, this will be our only post...

Friday, August 14, 2015

Friday Q&A: Brad's Recipe

Flaked CoconutQ: The optional evening session we had with Brad during the YFHA intensive, where he talked with us about what aging is and what is really understood about the aging process—and patiently answered all our questions—was really wonderful. But even more wonderful were the cookies and brownies that he made for us! Would it be possible for him to give us his recipes?A: So glad you liked the optional session on aging! That was something we...

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Neck Position in Camel Pose (Ustrasana) and Other Backbends

by Baxter and Janet Rae HumphreyMargann Green, Age 77We received this excellent set of safety recommendations for Camel pose for older adults from Janet Rae Humphrey, E-RYT, of in Scottsdale, Arizona, and wanted to share it with you all: Dear Nina and Baxter, As a yoga teacher who specializes in older adults ages 70 to 95, I would like to comment on your post Are Backbends Stimulating or Relaxing?The photograph of Margann...

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Yoga Is Just As Safe As Other Exercise

by NinaSally Halbett by Melina MezaIt turns out that Baxter, Timothy, Brad, and I weren’t the only ones who were seriously skeptical about the claims that New York Times writer William Broad made about the dangers of yoga (suspiciously timed with the releases first of the hardback and then of the paperback versions of his book about yoga). I’ve just learned from Yoga Is Just As Safe As Other Exercise, Study Finds that Dr. Holger Cramer, director...

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Mindfulness of Sensation

by Jill SatterfieldSeanna Browder by Melina MezaThe non-verbal language of our body is sensation. Our body communicates discomfort, fear, anxiety, depression, embarrassment, happiness, love—all through an orchestral variety of sensations.Becoming familiar with the sensations in our body is a way to become more intimate with ourselves, by seeing sensations as a reflection of our mind and heart. Sensations can be the bridge of communication...

Monday, August 10, 2015

Loving-Kindness Meditation

by RamLove & Love by Melina MezaAshtanga Yoga (Ashta=eight; Anga= limbs) refers to the eight fold path/ rungs/limbs/steps of Yoga as described in the Raja Yoga section of the yoga philosophy. Its practice helps us to discriminate between ignorance and awareness and truth from illusion, which is the means for liberation or enlightenment. The first five limbs help us develop our power of focus and concentration. Dharana or focus is the preparatory...

Friday, August 7, 2015

Yoga Relaxation Techniques: They're Not Interchangeable (Rerun)

by NinaPatterns in the Sand 2, by Brad GibsonOkay, I admit it. It’s probably my fault. I’ve been going around saying that you can trigger the Relaxation Response (see The Relaxation Response and Yoga) using any of the following: restorative yoga, inverted poses, Savasana, pranayama, meditation, and yoga nidra, etc. as if all those practices were somehow interchangeable. This has led to questions like the following comment left on a Friday Q&A:...