How Much Protein You Need and

Pro Bodybuilders eat about one gram (sometimes even 1.5 grams) of protein per pound of body weight or per pound of non-fat tissue. I'm sure you've seen that the recommended dail


Monday, February 29, 2016

Video of the Week: Cobra to Child's Pose

Baxter's video for this week is one of his favorite mini vinyasas, moving between Cobra pose and Child's pose with your breath. On your first round of Cobra pose, make sure to check that your shoulders are directly aligned over your wrists, as this is the healthiest position for both your wrist joints and the lower back. If your shoulders are either forward or behind your wrists, adjust your alignment accordingly. Subscribe to Yoga for Healthy Aging by Email ° Follow Yoga for Healthy Aging on Facebook ° Join this site with Google Friend Conn...

Friday, February 26, 2016

Friday Practical Pointers: Your Posture Affects Your Breathing!

by NinaSupported Backbend isExcellent for Improving PostureDid you know that your ability to take a deep, full breath is influenced by your posture? Because when you inhale, your rib cage expands to its maximum to make room for your lungs to expand. And if the muscles that allow your rib cage to expand are tight—due to habitual slouching or other postural problems—your lungs won’t be able to expand to their maximum because there just won’t be as...

How To Use Mass Gaining Supplements To Your Advantage

Using mass gaining supplements properly will help you obtain the muscle mass you’ve been looking for. For many, building muscle will not be as easy as one may think. It’s important to remember that building muscle will take time and commitment on your part. It will also take a great effort when it comes to strength training. In addition to these, it will be important for you to focus on the different types of supplements that are available...

4 Muscle Building Tips for a Skinny Body

There are many muscle building tips for a skinny body that are available out there that can easily confuse you. There are all correct to some extent when it comes to gaining mass. However, most of them are not tailored to a specific body, which in this case is… A SKINNY BODY. Here are 4 muscle building tips that skinny guys absolutely must apply to gain mass even that much faster.Counting calories will actually make things easierHave you heard of...

The Top Exercises For The Bicep Muscle

Standing Barbell CurlHold the bar with your palms facing out, curl the bar slowly up until it touches your chest, slowly lower down again.Remember not to cheat as you curl the weight as this takes the emphasis off your biceps and onto your waist, the point is to work the biceps and slow deliberate curls are the trick.Variations include machine curls or preacher curls.Standing Alternate Dumbbell CurlHold a dumbbell in each hand, curl one up to your...

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Techniques for Managing Pain with Yoga

by Baxter and NinaBeams of Light by Melina MezaThis post recommends techniques for helping you manage acute and/or chronic pain. Although the causes of acute and chronic pain differ, depending on your condition on a given day, you can use similar techniques to reduce your pain.Start by considering your pain levels both today and, if you are suffering from chronic pain, over time. By reviewing your pain levels through the course of a day, week, or...

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Building an Upload Microservice using AWS Lambda

One of’s core missions is to help people transform their lives through the adoption of a healthy lifestyle and exercise. One way we motivate people to begin such a journey is through our yearly “transformation challenge.” Over the course of 12 weeks, participants in the challenge are encouraged to adopt a training plan and set new habits that will lead to a fitter, healthier body. Prizes are awarded to the people who make the most profound transformation over the course of the contest. In order to participate, contestants...

Working with the Witness

by BethLayer of Earth by Kazoo Shiraga*As we age, we change. Wrinkles and gray hair appear, muscles begin to lose mass, and our relationship to society can change. In some cultures aging earns us status as wise elders to be revered; in others we are ignored or seen as no longer having value. Also, we may begin thinking about end of life issues, seeing death as loss, something to fear, or as a natural transition to something else (the something...

Deltoid exercises – Learn how to build shoulder muscles

The common phrase “ to carry a weight on your shoulders”  is more true than you think, shoulders top off any great physique, they are the muscles that show up even in a big jumper, they widen your upper body and stronger shoulder muscles means a stronger you.The shoulder muscle is comprised of three different heads of muscle.These consist of;Anterior (front) Deltoid : This head lifts the arm to the front.Medial (side) Deltoid : This...

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Can We Delay Aging?

by Brad Gibson, Ph.D.The Damsel of the Holy Grailby Dante Gabriel Rosetti“No, we cannot “prevent aging”… but what if we could delay it?Unfortunately, the deterioration that comes with aging is part of a fundamental aspect of the universe, so it cannot be eliminated. Recent research suggests, however, that the rate of deterioration is indeed malleable, at least in many different animal models. So why not in people?” — Dr. Felipe SierraDr. Felipe Sierra's...

Monday, February 22, 2016

Video of the Week: Cow Pose to Child's Pose

This mini vinyasa warms up your spine, hips, and knees. Add as much padding for your shins and ankles as you need to stay comfortable.Subscribe to Yoga for Healthy Aging by Email ° Follow Yoga for Healthy Aging on Facebook ° Join this site with Google Friend Conn...

Calves Muscles – Exercises for your calf muscle

Most people who lift weights tend to neglect their calves but if you want a complete, fully developed and admirable body then you shouldn’t neglect your calves. They are hard to train and it does hurt to do it but the results will show if you train them as hard as you do your chest or bicepsYou need to train your calves at different angles with heavy weights.Here are the top exercises for the calf musclesOne Legged Calf RaisesStand with one foot...

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Mens Chest Workouts – Most effective chest workouts

A flattering body part for men who have developed a full muscular chest.The chest actually consists of upper and lower portions. You need to include flat, decline and incline bench movements to fully develop the upper, middle and lower chest.Also to target the middle and outer areas requires a variety of exercises which I will cover here.To develop the chest initially you should use mostly free weights and compound presses.Here are the top exercises...