How Much Protein You Need and

Pro Bodybuilders eat about one gram (sometimes even 1.5 grams) of protein per pound of body weight or per pound of non-fat tissue. I'm sure you've seen that the recommended dail


Saturday, July 30, 2016

Trapezius Exercises For Size and Strength

How many times have you noticed a person walking on the beach with a huge upper back and shoulders? You may have also noticed how some guys can fill the neck out on their t-shirts with mounds of muscles. This is the muscle that you are noticing and it is called the trapezius. Trapezius muscles can be difficult muscles to work, because it is difficult to isolate the muscle. However, the right kind of exercises will lead to significant improvements...

The Perfect Beginner's Bodybuilding Program

It's important when you're doing any kind of bodybuilding program that you make sure it's something that will work with you and fitinto your lifestyle. Also, when just starting out, it would be ideal to first make and achieve small goals and work your way up to much larger goals. If you're aiming to grow Hulk Hogan's muscles in a few months time, then you can be pretty sure that's not gonna happen. You need to be realistic about what you can achieve...

Friday, July 29, 2016

How Yoga Helps with Medical Conditions: Prevention

by Baxter with NinaHygieia by Gustav KlimtIn our post 5 Ways Yoga Can Affect Your Health from a while back, I identified six ways that yoga helps with your health. And although that way of framing how yoga supports good health is still accurate, Nina and I recently realized we could simplify our list of six into a more helpful list of three: 1) prevention, 2) symptom improvement, and 3) as an adjunct to other forms of treatment. Today, I want to...

Back To Basics - Training The Back Slow, Heavy And Raw

Many people are surprised to discover that the back muscle constitutes seventy percent of the total muscle mass in the upper body. Developing that back muscle properly will give you a powerful upper body and an equally powerful look. The important back muscles are the lats, traps, rhomboids, lower back, and spinal erectors. There are a number of exercises that have proven to be great for developing the back muscles. The question is, "What is the...

The 2 Best Workout Routines to Build Muscle

If you're trying to build muscle mass and strength, you probably spend a good bit of time thinking about your routine. Thinking is great and all, but you need to stop stressing, stop worrying about the details, and get to work on a program that produces results! Here are the two best workout routines to build muscle. Pick one, stick to it, and grow!1. Powerlifting for Mass and StrengthA lot of beginner bodybuilders and weight lifters think that heavy...

Workout Routines for Women - Lift Heavy, Look Fit!

There is a huge misconception in the fitness world that only men should lift heavy weights, and that women should stick to light, "toning" routines. Many women fear they will get big or bulky if they lift heavy. Nonsense! Do you realize how hard it is for MEN to gain muscle mass, even with their testosterone and larger calorie consumption? Nobody, man or woman, will ever get "too big" for their liking on accident.The truth about workout routines...

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Sitting is the New Smoking

by NinaWoman Smoking by Kitagawa Utamaro“Being out of shape could be more harmful to health and longevity than most people expect, according to a new, long-term study of middle-aged men. The study finds that poor physical fitness may be second only to smoking as a risk factor for premature death.” —Gretchen Reynolds, New York Times Have you heard the phrase “Sitting is the New Smoking” yet? Because recently I’ve been hearing it more and more...

How to Get Bigger Triceps

A big pair of triceps impressive me more than a big pair of biceps. If someone's got a big pair of tri's it means they're likely bench over 300lbs for reps and that's an impressive feat of strength. If you want to get big triceps then here's the key exercises that you must do: (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Close Grip Bench PressThe exercise is literally as it reads. Grab the bar on the bench and move your hands slightly closer...

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Featured Pose: Warrior 3 (Virabradrasana 3)

by Baxter and Nina Warrior 3 challenges your balance very differently than many other balance poses, as you need to resist gravity to keep your body parallel with the floor. Balancing in Warrior 3 is not only a bit more difficult, but it also takes more strength and energy to maintain your balance Keeping your body parallel with the floor strengthens all the muscles along the back of your body, including your buttocks and the backs of your thighs...

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Free-cycling vs. Recycling Books on Aging

by NinaIn my neighborhood, we’re big into free-cycling. For those of you who don’t know what that means, for us in Berkeley free-cycling means putting things you no longer want or can’t use—clothes, household goods, knickknacks, books, CDs, furniture, etc.—on the sidewalk so that anyone who wants them can simply pick them up and take it home. I’m both a giver and taker (have found some interesting things!), but mostly a giver. I’m so dedicated to...

How Do I Get Six Pack Abs? 3 Mistakes You Should Avoid

You've been asking for awhile, how do I get six pack abs? But have read so much information you have started confusing yourself. Then let me clarify some things and make sure you don't make the same mistakes a majority of people trip over when they want to tone and tighten their midsection. If you're serious about flattening your stomach, then avoid these three traps. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); 1. Fat burning pills only...

How to Gain Weight For Women

This seems like an odd topic for an article, but we are going to talk about how to gain weight for women. You see even though most are looking to lose weight there are some that need to gain a few pounds. Whether you just want to be healthier or get a little curvier you will find the advice here beneficial. It is also important to know that there are two different kinds or meanings of weight. The first one has a negative connotation. This is where...