How Much Protein You Need and

Pro Bodybuilders eat about one gram (sometimes even 1.5 grams) of protein per pound of body weight or per pound of non-fat tissue. I'm sure you've seen that the recommended dail


Saturday, June 29, 2013

Caffeine and Training: Promoting recovery. By Veeraj Vic Goyaram

Caffeine and Training: Promoting recovery By Veeraj Goyaram for Bodybuilding MauritiusWelcome to the article series on Caffeine and Exercise Caffeine is a proven mental and physical performance booster and is one of the most health-friendly compounds gifted to us by Mother Nature. Caffeine tops my list of my most favourite nutritional compounds. No wonder why coffee is my favourite beverage and my day doesn't start before my first cup. ...

Friday, June 28, 2013

Friday Q&A: Alignment of the Knees

Q:  Here is a question for you.  I was practicing Utkatasana Tuesday and as I sat down into the pose I got a twinge in my inner left knee.  (Slightly forward of the seam line, between the upper and lower leg bones.) I straightened up and repeated the pose squeezing a block between my knees. The little pain was gone. How did squeezing a block between my knees change the alignment of the knee?A:  Utkatasana, mistakenly called “Chair...

Tip of the Day: Do not neglect your adductors. By Vic Goyaram

Tip of the Day: Do not neglect your adductors By Vic GoyaramFor Bodybuilding MauritiusA great contributor of Tom Platz's awesome leg development is his inner legs. The latter are called the adductors, consisting of a group of muscles whose main role is to bring the legs together towards the body (adduction). Strong adductors are a must, not only for aesthetic reasons but also for maintaining a healthy and stable knee. The following are...

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Featured Pose: Legs Up the Wall Pose (Viparita Karani)

by Baxter and NinaViparita Karani, often called Legs Up the Wall pose (a more accurate name is Inverted Lake pose), is one of our very favorite poses. Because this pose is a supported inversion, it triggers the relaxation response (see The Relaxation Response and Yoga). It is also comfortable for most people, and the support of the wall allows you to stay in the pose for a good long while, making it a perfect pose for stress reduction or pacifying...

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Balancing Your Emotional Body With Counter-Poses

by NinaLast week in my posts about anxiety Anxiety, Yoga and the Front Body and Soothing Yourself With Supported Forward Bends, I discussed yoga poses to rely on when you’re feeling anxious (supported inversions and forward bends) and yoga poses to avoid when you’re in that state (backbends, twists, and Sun Salutations). It makes sense if you’re in a crisis period to practice the poses that calm you down and avoid stimulating poses that might exacerbate...