How Much Protein You Need and

Pro Bodybuilders eat about one gram (sometimes even 1.5 grams) of protein per pound of body weight or per pound of non-fat tissue. I'm sure you've seen that the recommended dail


Tuesday, March 31, 2015

The iMask is Born! A DIY Project

by BaxterIs it an Eye Blanket or an iMask?I think the first time I heard about the oculocardiac reflex, also referred to as the Aschner phenomenon, was about ten years ago from yoga teacher Roger Cole. In a workshop on relaxation, Roger mentioned that the pressure on the eyeballs created by an eye pillow used for Savasana triggers this reflex from the eye to the heart, slowing the heart rate down. This can help signal the nervous system to shift...

The Anabolic Power of Leucine. By Veeraj Goyaram

By Veeraj GoyaramCape Town, South Africa. March 27, 2015 If you read my article that I published on this website in 2013 you will definitely find out that I am big fan of the amino acid Leucine and that I recommended taking Leucine in between protein meals in order to keep the "anabolic switch" on. I am pleased today to devote an article entirely to Leucine in order to teach you some of the important things you need to know. Sorry, I will have...

Monday, March 30, 2015

Checking-In: A Guided Meditation by Jill Satterfield

by JillTulip Closeup by Melina MezaIt’s not often enough that we check in with ourselves and ask ourselves how we are or notice how we are feeling physically, emotionally and mentally. But this is precisely what we need to do more of. This fruitful self-reflection (svadhyaya) and taking of our own pulse so to speak allows for more conversation between body, mind and heart. It offer the self knowledge we need to take better care of ourselves, and...

A Conversation with Former Mr. America and Mr. Universe, Mick Souza. By Dr. Michael Dusa

A Conversation with Former Mr. America and Mr. Universe, Mick Souza.By Dr. Michael DusaMD: Hi Mick. Last time I saw you, I was getting vanquished by you on stage in the AAU Mr. East Coast in Hartford, 1987.MS: (laughs). Yes. Those were great times!MD: For some of us, yes (laughs). So, talk of your beginnings, my friend.MS: Well, my father left the house for good when I was only three years old. It was just me, my mom and my brother, and we went to...