How Much Protein You Need and

Pro Bodybuilders eat about one gram (sometimes even 1.5 grams) of protein per pound of body weight or per pound of non-fat tissue. I'm sure you've seen that the recommended dail


Saturday, October 31, 2015

Weight Gain Supplements – Do They Really Work?

All weight gain supplements are not created equal. Read this article to find out if the weight gain products you’re using are high quality or just over priced and full of hype!Despite what you may have read, all weight gain supplements are not the same, they aren’t all equal, and you won’t get the same results with each one.There are a variety of supplements for weight gain on the market like weight gain pills, protein powders, and weight gainers....

Top 7 Bodybuilding Tips to Build Muscle Mass Fast

1. Have A PlanMost people fail to build muscle because they do not have a detailed plan on how they will attain their goals. You need to have a plan of attack for not just your workout program but also your diet. Each of these is equally important in your overall success and to ensure that you will build the most muscle possible.2. Keep A JournalKeeping a journal during your workout will allow you to see that you are making progress and in some cases...

Tips for Natural Female Bodybuilding

Females wanting to get an attractive body by practicing the most popular sport of the world i.e. natural female bodybuilding need to know some essential facts about female bodybuilding. Knowing these will help them to work in the correct direction and will help them achieve the right kind of body in a limited period of time. This will also prevent them from resorting to the use of drugs and steroids, which not only lead to overbuilding...

Friday, October 30, 2015

Friday Q&A: The Safety of Headstand (Sirsasana)

Q: There is a lot of controversy these days about the safety of Headstand. What is your opinion about its safety?A: Just recently, I read an article by Grace Bullock, Ph.D., E-RYT 500, Headstand and Neck Safety in Yoga: What You Need to Know about a recent study Sirsasana (headstand) technique alters head/neck loading:Considerations for Safety in the Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies.In the study, researchers in Austin, Texas, observed...

Thursday, October 29, 2015

How You Feel About Aging

by Nina “Scientists are discovering something very peculiar about aging: How we feel about getting old matters. A lot. In test after test, researchers are finding that if we think about getting older in terms of decline or disability, our health likely will suffer. If, on the other hand, we see aging in terms of opportunity and growth, our bodies respond in kind.” —Anne Tergesen from “To Age Well, Change How You Feel About Aging.”I think we...

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Proof of the Effectiveness of Yoga for Incontinence

by RamUrinary incontinence (UI) is loss of bladder control and is more commonly seen in aged people. While it is a problem in both genders, women experience UI twice as often as men. Men leak urine, too, but the problem is more common in women. Leakages happen when women exercise, laugh hard, cough, sneeze, or when they are pregnant. While some individuals experience occasional minor leaks, others wet their clothes frequently. Incontinence is not...

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Featured Pose: Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)

by BaxterAlthough Cobra pose (Bhujangasana) is often the first active backbend that many beginners encounter, that doesn’t mean there isn’t a lot to this famous snake! Depending on the version you are practicing, Cobra is a great way to strengthen your upper back your middle and upper, or the entire length of the muscles from your pelvis to the back of your head. Because you are actively pressing your hands or forearms into the floor and lifting...

Monday, October 26, 2015

Video of the Week: Powerful Powerful Pose

This video provides instructions for practicing a more upright variation of Powerful pose (Utkatasana). Baxter add a balance challenge by having you lift your heels a few inches off the floor while remaining very steady on the balls of your feet. Feel the power!Subscribe to Yoga for Healthy Aging by Email ° Follow Yoga for Healthy Aging on Facebook ° Join this site with Google Friend Conn...

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Best Whey Protein for Muscles Building

Would you be interested to know that there is much discussion about the importance of getting effective supplements for building muscle? What that outside fitness often does not realize is the importance of protein supplements for other reasons, such as medical treatment recovery.Protein is composed of amino acids, which are important for good health and a significant component of proper nutrition and helps the body repair cells, muscles and bones....

Top 6 Forearm Muscle Building Exercises

Forearm muscle building is a much underused workout routine as a lot of people rather want to focus on the bigger, more famous muscles.But forearm muscle building has a lot of benefits. Having muscular forearms looks great with the right outfits or no outfit on. Furthermore, forearm muscle building can help you when working on other exercises and provide you with a strong grip as well.-Forearm Muscle Building Exercise #1:The first exercise for forearm...