How Much Protein You Need and

Pro Bodybuilders eat about one gram (sometimes even 1.5 grams) of protein per pound of body weight or per pound of non-fat tissue. I'm sure you've seen that the recommended dail


Thursday, March 31, 2016

Coming into Balance: How Stress and Relaxation Work Together

by Baxter and NinaMirror Image by Melina MezaSo, you’re lying on a beautiful beach somewhere, feeling the warmth of the sun on your skin and listening to the sound of waves lapping at the shore, and you’re feeling totally comfortable and very relaxed. So what is happening to you? Is this the relaxation response? The rest and digest state? Conscious relaxation? Or what?Another time you’re sitting alone in your house, meditating on your breath. Your...

How To Build Muscle Fast - 3 Simple steps

Learning how to build muscle fast does not have to be difficult. It really isn't rocket science people! Unfortunately for many beginners this isn't the case. No matter what they seem to do, they can't build muscle. Does this sound familiar?If your efforts to build muscle are going unrewarded, there is a reason. A complete evaluation of your muscle building program may be in order. It is now your job todetermine which of the three steps...

5 Muscle Mass Mistakes to be Avoided

Building muscle mass is the number one goal of almost every guy in fitness. And yet most of them never build muscle the way they want, especially not enough of it!Here are a few weight training tips for building muscle so you can start adding massive pounds of muscle to your body.If you can avoid these common mistakes, you’ll go a long way toward building more muscle.Muscle Mass Mistake 1: Not working legsThis could be the biggest mass...

8 Simple Guides to Nutrition

Below are simple but very important nutritional principals for muscle building. You need to follow a balanced nutritional plan together with muscle building workouts to ensure optimum results. When you are following your workout routines, your body would need enough “fuel” to keep going. These principals would ensure that you will have adequate amount of nutrition that your body needs to gain the maximum benefits from your workout routines.Principle...

How to Lose Weight Effectively, in Half The Time?

Most people who hit the gym have a primary objective, that is to lose weight. It is actually a good practice to lose weight through the natural way, and not by taking some weight loss pills and sleeping your way through. But most people would like to lose weight in a short time, they don’t prefer to work on the treadmill 2 hours per day for a whole year just to lose a few kilos. So they turn to pills for a quick fix. But if you know the right way...

How to Build The Perfect Pectorals!

Eye-popping pectorals are definitely any men’s dream! While you may think that only blessed some are gifted with it, it’s not really true.The secret is RESISTANCE EXERCISES!! By rigorously following the complete chest building program presented below, you too can own that enviable pectorals!Work this routine at least 3 times a week for optimum results.Bench Press Techniques (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); i) Medium...

8 Top Tips to Select the Right Gym

One of the most important factors which will either support or destroy your muscle building dream is the GYM. Hence, it is very important that give more priority in choosing the gym that you want to go to. If you don’t choose your gym carefully, you might have to change gym later and start again to get used to your new gym, which would be very troublesome for you, let alone dampen your spirit.Here, I am going to focus on 8 important factors that...

11 Easy Ways To Look Like A Fitness Model

How many times have you passed the magazine rack at your local grocery store and seen those super strong sexy women bouncing off the pages of Oxygen, Self, Women's Health, and Fitness Rx Magazines? I know I get pulled into their trance and usually end up buying a few of those magazines to find out the dark secrets that allow these women to get the look that every real life woman dreams about. Here are a few secrets I found out that I have begun to...

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Circadian Rhythms, Jet Lag, and Yoga

by RamPollard Willows and Setting Sun by Vincent van GoghThe Ayurvedic scholars and yoga gurus certainly knew about circadian rhythms. Termed as dinacharya (day routines), ratricharya (nightly routines) and ritucharya (seasonal routines), traditional observances were encouraged in order to maintain the synchronicity of circadian rhythms with time of the day/night and seasonal fluctuations. These practices allowed an individual to tune the circadian...

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Stress Management for When You're Stressed!

by NinaWhen you’re not feeling particularly stressed out, a well-rounded practice that includes active asanas and short-sessions of the stress management techniques of your choice will help keep your stress levels in check. And if you chose meditate every day, or do breath practices, restorative yoga or supported inversions on your rest days, all the better. But the nature of human existence is such that we all go through times when stress levels...

Top Muscle Building Foods: Best High Protein Foods

I am going to show you all the top muscle building foods, to help you pack on some muscle mass. Firstly, I have to say, that you deserve a hearty “well done” for reading this article.Food is one of the most important aspects of building muscle. You cannot grow muscle without adequate food. But you probably know this already, so lets get into the top muscle building foods.(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Top Muscle Building...

Top Muscle Building Foods: Top Fat Foods

I am going to show you all the top muscle building foods, to help you pack on some muscle mass. Firstly, I have to say, that you deserve a hearty “well done” for reading this article.Food is one of the most important aspects of building muscle. You cannot grow muscle without adequate food. But you probably know this already, so lets get into the top muscle building foods.Top Muscle Building Foods: Top Fat FoodsOkay, so when you mention...

Top Muscle Building Foods: Top Carbohydrate Foods

I am going to show you all the top muscle building foods, to help you pack on some muscle mass. Firstly, I have to say, that you deserve a hearty “well done” for reading this article.Food is one of the most important aspects of building muscle. You cannot grow muscle without adequate food. But you probably know this already, so lets get into the top muscle building foods.Top Muscle Building Foods: Top Carbohydrate FoodsWhen people ask about...