How Much Protein You Need and

Pro Bodybuilders eat about one gram (sometimes even 1.5 grams) of protein per pound of body weight or per pound of non-fat tissue. I'm sure you've seen that the recommended dail


Monday, August 29, 2016

A Killer Routine for Ripped, Six-Pack Abs

Obtaining ripped, six-pack abs requires that you reduce your abdominal fat as much as possible while developing the underlying abdominal muscles.  No matter how hard you work on your abdominal muscles, your efforts will be in vain if you're not reducing your body fat by a reduced-caloric diet, intense cardio, and full-body weight training. Assuming that you have that part under control, the next key element in obtaining your ripped, six-pack...

A Killer Exercise to Build Bigger Calves

When training the calves, there are five common exercises: Standing Calf Raise, Seated Calf Raise, Donkey Calf Raise and Toe Press on a Leg Press. Of the five exercises listed, only one exercise, the Seated Calf Raise, effectively trains the Soleus muscle in your calves. Since a muscle responds better to lots of variation, the Soleus gets "short changed" with only one exercise. However, there is killer exercise that can be added to your Soleus training...

Best Supplements For Muscle Gain [Part 2]

In a recent article I explained how certain supplements are safe and useful, but not entirely necessary. You also discovered that you need to get your nutrition (and workouts) in order first before you even think about supplements.Let's assume that you have a good nutrition plan in place and that you're lifting weights several times per week. What supplements should you be taking to build muscle? Read on for some popular choices.TIP: Don't blindly...

Best Supplements For Muscle Gain - Part 1

In recent articles, we've covered quite a bit about nutrition. At this point, you might be wondering about supplements more specifically. You might even have questions like:Do you need supplements?Do supplements work?Are supplements safe?What are the best supplements for muscle gain?Do You Need Supplements For Muscle Gain or Weight Loss?Here's the short answer: No.You can lose weight and gain muscle without them. However, that doesn't mean that supplements...

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Quick And Effective Kettlebell Workouts For Women

Good news for busy women who want to stay fit despite their hectic lifestyle: now you can achieve your health goals by exercising for just a few minutes a day using kettlebells. These ball-shaped weights have rapidly risen to become a fad in the world of fitness, especially among women.Below are the different kettlebell workouts for women that you can try out. By doing these trainings, you obtain maximum results with just a very minimal risk of injury,...

Best Foods To Eat After Working Out

Many people make the mistake of not eating after a hard workout and they end up not getting the results they were looking for. The reason for this is that their body didn't get replenished properly after their workout and their body needs to get back everything it lost.Eating after working out is the most important meal to people that are looking to add muscle and mass. Now there are a lot of supplements and protein shakes out their but I am going...

Top Muscle Building Workouts For Men

Which Exercises Should You Include?The best workouts for building muscle mass are the basic compound exercises. Some of these include but or not limited to squats, deadlifts, bench and shoulder presses, pullups, rows. These exercises should be included in your schedule. The following workouts will guarantee to build some serious muscle mass.Top Muscle Building Workouts For Men (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); DEADLIFTSExample: barbell...

Friday, August 26, 2016

Bicep Muscle Training - Tips To Help Build Bicep Muscles

For anyone who wants to build bigger biceps, there is a need to look into bicep muscle training. This is important because you will need to do proper exercise routines so that you be able to build strong biceps and also develop other muscles indirectly.It is important for any bodybuilder to maximize the exercises that he does so that he can develop various important muscles during his whole routine. Because bicep exercises are excellent in developing...

Best Chest Workouts - Top 5 Proven Workouts

Best chest workouts mainly involve your upper body. Mostly people spend hours in gym for shaping their muscles. They undertake various exercises for molding their body parts. Most of them fail to flaunt a well-toned physique and eventually they give up. In order to transform your fats into muscles, you should take care of your lifestyle. A lifestyle change is extremely important for gaining muscle mass. You should completely avoid smoking and alcohol...

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Leg Exercises You Can Do at Home

I've said this before and I'll say it again, your legs are some of the most important body parts to train. Not only do you contain a significant amount of your mass in your legs but you also store quite a bit of hormones that are extremely beneficial to building muscle. Too many people neglect to train their legs and this is in my opinion because it is not "cool" to train legs at the moment. With that being said, if you're too lazy or too embarrassed...

Back Training Tips That Get Results

So, you've been working your back ever week, perhaps even a couples time a week. You may even have been able to amp up the weight that you're using. So why hasn't your back shown any growth?Supercharge your back training and follow these tips!Having a developed back truly makes you look like a body builder. It gives you that sexy V-taper look that everyone at the gym wishes they had. A good physique is not complete without some wide lats and a thick,...

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

5 Great Exercises For Triceps

The Triceps MusclesAllow me to tell you a little about the triceps muscles. The triceps is a three-headed muscle that is on the back of the upper arm. They are responsible for extending the elbow. Triceps are used when doing any type of pressing movement for the chest and/or shouldersWhy Should You Work Your Triceps?If you're working your biceps, you shouldn't over look the other side of your arm that contains three muscles, where the biceps contain...

5 Awesome Shoulder Muscle Exercises

America is known to be "arm happy" and I'd have to agree. It's kinda funny watching a large majority of the guys in the gym hit arms and chest every day. Next time you lift, look around and I bet you'll notice all of the benches and preacher curl machines occupied. This habit of training your arms over everything else gives you an unbalanced look. The usual obvious sign of somebody who is "arm happy" is the notorious chicken legs, but what I've really...